The things you find in an old home...

Liz had a dream recently that while cleaning out the garage we found a box of very old collectibles. In the dream she was describing the items to our new neighbor (our real life neighbor who is actually the original owner of her Cliff May home ), and the neighbor explains to Liz that these "items" are incredibly valuable, worth upwards of a million + dollars. Unfortunately that was just a dream and my actual found "treasures" are not quote 'as valuable', but still interesting and entertaining nonetheless so I thought I'd share.

First find, photos stashed away by the second owners from October 1965.
These are four of the better shots from the 10 we found...

The actual photos are in amazing condition and I came up with an idea to try and duplicate each shot once the house is finished for a great before and after compilation.

The second find comes from a date about 10 years from the time the house photos were taken. I still can't decide whether these should be rated "PG13" or "R"...but I did my best to censor them myself.

Second find, vintage adult magazines circa Summer of 1975.
Here's a couple scans from two of the covers in better condition...

So while I'd like to say that I'm enjoying flipping through the pages of these magazines for the articles, I have to be honest with you...after all, I am a man, and everyone knows what men really enjoy looking at... and electronics of course. What were you thinking???

...and here's a great ad for a Motocross race from WAY back in the day...

These probably won't be framed and hung on the wall like the photos of the home, but I am going to put them right back on top of the closet when we finish the re-modern of the bedroom and office. Who knows...many, many years from now the next owner of this house could be blogging (or whatever they decide to call it in the future) about the ancient (not vintage) adult magazine they found while re-futurizing their first Cliff May home.

Happy Monday,

Gary - - - -

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